Why hello profusely bleeding womb. I have been expecting you!
Neh. I want to curl up in bed right now with a bar of chocolate, but I want a Mint Aero and I ate the only one I had earlier. And I don't think we'd have any at work... A glass of chocolate milk would probably be good right now, too. I should have that...
Le-sigh. I'm reading a book right now. One that I told myself I'd save for work, since my Amazon order isn't here yet. I started reading a few pages this morning, hid it on myself, but for the last 3 hours I've been chewing through it. It's very good, and it's very hard to put down a good book even when I know I should.
Things with Matt are good. Not progressing quite as fast as I'm used to, actually. We've gone on three dates, the most recent for a couple games of pool and some wings at IV's. Still no kissing or things like that... I like being with him but I'm nervous. And he's nervous. We're such geeks!
I've been avoiding writing about it 'cause... well... I'm just not sure. I've been considering leaving the RP site... I'm tired of the fighting and the stress and just not being inspired to roleplay when I have so much else going on right now. They're asking me to step down as admin, anyway. I find that slightly ironic since certain other admins who's first initial is located at the end of the alphabet has done basically nothing in the last year with the faction she's supposed to run... And we didn't kick her to the curb, did we?
I've put a lot of work into that site, and not just for the nearly three years it's been on Acornrack/Spleafnet. I'm not sure if I'm holding onto it because of that or because I still want to be around it. Dealing with Gabby's attitude... I owe a post on a plot thread, a plot I was never really inspired to get involved with but did so to appease her... I'm just tired of it. I haven't even messaged her to congratulate her for her wedding not because I'm avoiding her, but because right now she's so stuck on the post I owe that I know we won't talk about anything else. And we'll argue and get into a huge fight. *sigh*
I told her I hadn't had the chance to post because I was busy trying to have one of those 'lives' I'd heard so much about, and it was responded to with thinly veiled, passive aggressive pessimism. And, typical of Gabby-kins, she couldn't resist posting a snide remark about it publicly. It frustrates me, and very often the whole site does.
Everyone, with a few notable exceptions, are so wrapped up in their own character's interactions that they don't really seem to roleplay with anyone else. Or plot with anyone else. Gabs and Kat have long denied there's a clique, but new members definitely notice it. Several of them even left. And, conversely, there are new members who zomgautomatically become BFF's with the older characters and are instantly accepted to the clique.
Obviously, I'm not a part of this. And maybe that's why I'm complaining. I've tried, really I have. No one messages me on MSN going 'oh I have an idea for your character and mine'. Probably because, according to Gabs, I'm a picky, micro-managing bitch or some such....
I should probably go get that chocolate milk now, and end the rant before I really start getting going.
Opinions and advice are appreciated...