Ask Alice

Jun 17, 2011 05:40

This is try #2 because my computer lets me 10 minutes.

I told myself that I should update this more often, instead of doing months worth of rants, ramblings and venting into one huge entry.


My coughing has pretty much ceased. I get the usual now and again, but nothing like hacking. Which is good because I was getting worried, I was halfway through the bottle of this new stuff already. And we’re not even going to talk about the stupid antibiotics and how it barely works and gives me side effects. Mother was right lol I have to get a different kind of this medication.
Work is basically the same thing as usual. SSDD. I thought it would busy like before, past summer blockbusters, but lately this summer... it hasn't been all that much; although we haven't reached all the superhero movies yet. I'm not really complaining, other than not enough shifts to go around; I still have 4, so far. I stay an extra half hour-hour here and there, but I'm really hoping I can get an extra hour or so, once we open grind. But then again, I don't mind the extra day off to relax; it's not great for payments though. -lol- but I'm still managing. until I have to pay the rest of the concert tickets, 2 more in July; Soundgarden and A Perfect Circle; on top of the 2 I still owe.

A Friday the 13th came and went, and of course I wore my Vorhees jersey, despite the warm weather, on my way to work on top of that. -lol-

Also my shoes that I've had since high school are done. I'm sad and haven't been able to find a suitable replacement, not even Trivium has a pair that are not mary janes with the chunky heel. :{
Maybe that's why I'm eager to buy the boots that are for sell.

So I did call Gilles for his birthday, it was a short conversation, but still good. Mother called me a few days later, thanking me. She informed me that only Jenn and I called him. Our step siblings, his children haven't even called him and it has been over a week. He says it's fine and jokes about it, but she says she knows he's hurting. I just can't believe that shit. Even I call dad, or at least give him a message about it, which I shall be doing soon. I'm not happy with my father that he has all this time off work (he's on hiatus because of his stress occurrences and had also at a different time, tripped and bruised some ribs), but he still won't call us. I received a text for my birthday. Even Jenn called me, even though it was 8am but she called, regardless of long distance. I gave up on the idea that he will ever travel this way up. I don't call debbie for hers, because I don't see the point, I don't like her still, and I'm pretty sure she's part of why there's rumors going around the town about me. Not sure what they are now, but I'm certain it's along the lines on how I am an ungrateful daughter and person. And now I don't care. I refuse to communicate with this woman. She doesn't tell his family when he has health issues, even if they live in the same damn town.

Anyways, my birthday came and went, it fell on a Wednesday, so not much one can do. I ate my steak with potato, had my cheesecake and vodka, got coolers. Was able to "open" my gift from mother, I cheated a bit, but it couldn't be helped. -lol- Electronic hand mixer. Think on how much it will save on my arm come Halloween. XD I shouldn't be this excited for stuff like this -lol- You can tell I'm getting old. "Not old, just older" XD
So older, but not really feeling it, other than the knees, heh heh. One would think I would think twice about things. Not certain about people these days; they confuse me. And my mind is not happy, it keeps chastizing me for my thoughts; and this is where I feel there's a laugh at my expense, and I fell like there's this huge universal joke and it's me. I am a living breathing joke, again. -sighs-

The return of mice, is what kept me entertained as I try to play with the computer while it kept crashing. I heard scratching again, and I reset traps. Which went off as per usual with nothing in them. One time, there was a droplet of blood, so at least I knew it was wounding them. So I set up the glue trap that the guy gave me from last mice encounter and set it up. I set one up in the box shape, which did nothing for nights, and the traps went off. So I set the other as the flat method near the entry door because that's where the other kept sneaking in from the hallway, instead of the kitchen. Woke up to loud screeching. Remember, this is the more humane way, -lol- Yeh okay. Again, I'm neutral in the death of pest mice, yes their cute, but they're chewing holes and such. Well anyways, got out of bed to check up. It's a huge freaking rat. "Holy crap I caught Ben." -lol- Seriously. It covered the whole glue pad and was almost free. So I worked fast and found a box, I just wanted to get rid of it and not have it screech anymore heheh. So I place it in the box, I carried it outside to trash bin. -lol- What? It would survive and the trash was getting picked up. Later that morning, I told one of the guys that they had mice, no rat problems and if possible that I can have a glue trap again. Well the next day they called me and said that their having an exterminator set them up in the boiler room as I mentioned, because there's no way that BEN was squeezing its way through the entry; he came from under my sink, the wood panel that blocked the valve was loose and off the screws. I blocked it. I didn't get a trap as I hoped but I haven't heard any scratching since then. So I'm hoping they've been dealt with.

Recently saw Alice Cooper again, Anvil opened up and it was wyked. As we were heading back from the merch booths, Anvil started up and I got yanked as I passed by the front, it was followed by a screech in my ear. Holy Hell whut?! -lol- It was Christine from the previous show that saw me and just grabbed me. -lol- So as much as I wanted to hang out with Jirius at his fist AC concert, they had a bit better stand section to the front. Close enough that I got more splattered with blood than last time. :D

And it was nice to see them again, at least she messages me once in a while now.

Beth invited me to Steve’s birthday thing, we also share the same day lol like I’m doing anything on the weekend anyways. It turned out to be very little attendance, we ended up shooting the shit, eating food, playing some games, with some drinks, I couldn’t do like I wanted because I was taking allergy pills like crazy, because of the cat; I was fine the next day, no pills needed. Before we left, we walked back to a store that had old nostalgic stuff. It was close even though it said it was open. We really wanted to go in because of the Transformers stuff. I took a shot of the Unicron action figure. 60$ Wow.

So we ended up going to a used book store that was open. And we all left with a handful. I almost got the whole The Dark Tower series, missing the forth, so I just got the first 3 with ‘original’ covers, or what I had when I read them when I was like what? 13? -lol- The other 3, not counting #4, had the usual updated covers, where I can get them anywhere; plus they were thick. It would be heavy and I still had to carry that home, after we get dropped off at the bus station.
So with the nostalgic moment, I suddenly remember the season spice that we used to put on KD when I was younger, or at least when we ate at a neighbour/sort of cousin’s. I do have seasoning, but it wasn’t the same, something was missing from it, and it was bugging me. I’ll never find this stuff again, because I couldn’t recall the brand. Until I found it. I was super excited. Found it at GT boutique heheh and I was like, oh yeh makes sense because there weren’t many stores near our old town. I just paid for a small amount of groceries at the place, so KD is off the list right now lol until I give in and buy a box or two and just go crazy. -lol-

Shifts are becoming more scarce now. I received only 3 last week and luckily I spoke to the manager in charge to try to give me at least 4, instead of the 5 we all want, or used to get. I let her know that I can't pay rent and bills with 16 hours of pay. And on top of that I've already spoken to someone for a new pair of boots. Hoping to look at them soon, even though I shouldn't be splurging, even after picking up the Alice game. Which I can't play by the way, because the computer overheats every 5 minutes with a game running. I managed to get to Wonderland before giving up. I might have to wait until I get a new one, even using canned air to try to fix it won't work and I can't look further into it because I am unable to remove the panel. It's all right, I've only been waiting for this sequel for like years. :/
In a related note, someone get me this!:
It's beautiful. It's too bad it doesn't come with the stand.

I plan to go back to a store that had this. Get the Elvis one for mother, but couldn't help but want the other. -lol- It's like 15$ :/


“Do you know the biggest lesson I learned from what you did: we’re a lot alike you and I. You tested me, I tested you. You killed me, I --- Oh no wait. I guess haven’t killed you yet. Well…food for thought.” - GlaDOS

concert, work crap, computer hell, mice, life crap, american mcgee's alice

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