Sep 04, 2010 00:39

So of course on my day off, the other day, Intercom Idiot’s girlfriend who resides in this apartment building, had to talk up a storm outside the main entrance. She had most of her furniture and crap all out in the front of the building. Not certain if she was selling them or what but as I awoken and heard bits and pieces of conversation with either I.I or other building residents that she was moving one floor down and about 3 apartments from me. At first I thought she was going to be either above me in the next apartment. Luckily it’s closer to the other side. But still. Like I want to hear more of their chattering. The thing is they’re cleaning this new apartment that she wants, but I don’t think she’s done with her old one. I mean really? -sighs-
I’m starting not to sleep much again…
And I had almost quit on Tuesday. It seemed that all rude people just came in all at once and decided to just yell for everything little thing. Mind you, I’m used to that kind of snippy remarks and such but it was too much, they’ve crossed lines with certain insults. There’s only so much verbal abuse than one can take. Luckily I took a few moments instead because I certainly can’t afford to be unemployed. And why does no one ever keep their tickets, especially busy nights? I mean, they can’t expect us to remember every face and keep track and then still keep our jobs. I allow parentals to bring their children to the washrooms as an okay, and if not spawned, once is fine, but when you get refills of popcorn and such every 5 minutes and then others expect you to let them in. How are we supposed to know if you had actually bought a ticket? Still have it? Not only that, when others see this they expect the same. And when I do ask for either that or ID for restricted movies, I get my head bitten off. Why feel so insulted just because I asked. To me if you have these things, you’re responsible; and if you’re older and asked for ID, be flattered. Why make a fuss and moan about how it’s every time you go see a movie. Why not beat this frustrating confrontation and just have them? Easy. Just show it and be done with it. I really don’t see any reason why this step is so difficult. I still enjoy some aspects of this job but I’m still wary of the decadent state. I admit I don’t work hard all the time but when I do, it feels all for naught. It’s killing my knee this time. I wrap on busy days and on those that aren’t, I let it be; but then I still have trouble with bending it even for a few minutes. It’s getting worse and I can’t even rest up from this. Payment for October is the second month in which I will have to sacrifice some bill payments in order to make it. Even with what I had saved up in my savings is practically gone. I hate the fact that I might have to ask a couple of favors from my cousins, one for the concert ticket to be paid at a later date and secondly, for some extra funds to help me but with the promise of back payment. I hate asking for this sort of thing and not return what I’ve borrowed. I’m trying to keep mother out of this mess, she makes less than I do and plus I can’t have her help me out again; Even asking to do doubles this week won’t make it in time for the next pay. My hydro bill just in came in. I’m thinking of selling a few items…
Near the end of October will be no problem, there’s 3 paydays. So much for splurging this Halloween but I’m still going to try a bit. Feeling a bit lazy for a costume this year. Might just be Death from the Sandman books which is happenstance since there’s talk of a series in the works. I hope they do it right.
And to add to the awesomeness, my mp3 player decides that my forward button have no need to work any longer. :/

knee crap, work, sandman, intercom idiot, neil gaiman

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