We started this op'ra shit

Jan 12, 2009 01:42

A couple more hours to go and then I get see Repo! !!
There's no way that I'll miss it now or postpone; I'm sick like crazy and left early from work yesterday because I couldn't do it; my sinuses went crazy and no medication seemed to help, so I had a massive migraine and blew my nose like crazy and it wouldn't stop leaking. Yeah I know gross whatever. So I have the aftermath today, the red around the nose from tissues. Bah, so when I take pictures later, I'll look smashing. :D
I'll add more when I come back.

EDIT: Oh man it was sooo great!! My brain can't review everything about it so I'm going to copy/paste what I wrote for a review, it's not the best actual review but it's what I rambled down.
"Brilliant. So much to say about it, can't process right now...
The extra song snipets that you don't get with the soundtrack was just as wonderful. Anthony Stewart Head was amazing, conflicting emotions and his two tones for Nathan and Repo Man was great, and chilling. I liked the storyline the moment I saw the trailer.
Tragedy at it's best. Paul Sorvino, Sarah Brightman were wonderful. Alexa Vega and even Paris was good. Some lyrics felt forced into singing instead of just going with the scene in speech. And also the comedy in some scenes were great. We love you Pavi. :D And Graverobber you were charming and fun as a narrator.
The gore was great and with singing was just wonderful. lol
Could this be the next cult movie?? "

I want to watch it again. If only it were part of the road tour, to see the extra stuff and meeting the creators would have been great.
But we did see a Pavi and a Zydrate junkie, my camera is shite and only got blurry shots which I will be posting here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33609917@N06/sets/72157612467925766/


‘cause the claims medic gives no anesthetic.
90-days delinquent gets you repo treatment!
I’m the masked horror
on your street corner
I’ll make your momma mourn you!
I‘m the night surgeon! - Nathan ~ Repo! The Genetic Opera

repo! the genetic opera

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