Apr 09, 2005 18:56
man alive! Lauren and i went tanning today...well more like BURNING today... :-\ yeah we got burned but laurens is like mucho bad and you cant see mine its wierd but i sure can feel it! mine just looks like tan... :) haha! anyways im totaly bored and im sitting here waiting on lauren to get outa the shower so we can deside on what we are going to be doing tonight! we were gonna go in her hot tub with levi and brett but then she got burned and desided that would hurt... :-\ i dont blame her! but anywho we dont know what we can do around here w/ no money and that is fun!! we are losers we dont know anyone either! haha! how sad...i know! but oh well! so yeah i hada go to UT this morning for an honors ceremony for my step dad David! he graduates in may from UT and then he got into grad school there! mad congrats to him! anywho! my mom was being a pain this morning becuz she desided to wear heels to the ceremony and we hada walk like a block to get to the bass concert hall! HAHA!! well anyways she wouldnt stop complaining that her feet were hurting and i was like you dont needa wear heels anymore! haha! that or learn to walk in them! GEEZE! lol! anyways...so i havent been at school in like 2 weeks and when i am there i only end up going to a couple of periods and then leaving! BAD i know! i havent been to algebra ina while but whoopty freakin doo! i aint been to mosta my classes and i have all B's in the others! haha! but for some odd reason algebra im failing! GAW! whateve! haha! if anyone knows what lauren and i can do for a night thats free and fun let me know! or call me! you should know one of our cells! haha! if not just leave me one on here haha!oh yeah! i told brett that i was tired of messing around and i wanted a relationship for once! and that i find it hard to belive that he doesnt have "time" for a g/f becuz he always seems to find time to mess around with me! :-\ akward i know! but whatever! anyways and then he just told me he wasnt wanting a relationship and so i was like okay well we godda stop the whole messing around thing then cuz im getting attached and i dont wanna get hurt! and he said cool! so now its totaly wierd and i want him! BLAH!!!! i wanna kiss him and shit and he's not here! i shoulda just kept my mouth shut! but i guess it was good i got it outa my system or w/e! oh well maybe he will come around! :) wish me luck people!!! haha! anywho i hung out with Susan,Pierce,Vanessa, and ian last night and we saw the movie Sahara! it rocked! haha! ian wouldnt stop gawking at the women in there! but HEY! i couldnt stop staring at mathew! hahaha! :) anyways im out!