"Hot Italian the homo hunter" incident // Our second encounter

Nov 11, 2005 23:59

Hot Italian really likes me.

Since I last updated my LJ, I have been waiting to meet Hot Italian again. Our first meeting went really well. That was when we discussed dating, and what we were to expect from each other if/when we continue our budding relationship.

One part I left out from a few days ago was the incident involving my bag. Due to the fact it was raining, I had my umbrella in my green bag as a precausionary measure. Before I was to go with Hot Italian to his full-dress rehearsal, I asked him if I should take my bag with me or leave it in his apartment. He told me to leave it in the apartment and we would get it after the rehearsal. The reason I asked him was because I did not want him to think that I was "planting" the bag so I would have to come back to get it...in which we would eventually get naked. I did not want him to think I was trying to set us up. He insisted that I leave the bag until after the rehearsal, so I thought that it was ok.

The funny thing is, after he did ask me to date him on our first encounter, he said, "Well...I would really like to kiss you." I could feel my face turn red. At first I was reluctant because I still did not want him to think I was trying to set him up for anything. He insisted, and I conceeded. It was great. Then he said something like, "Aren't you glad I made you leave your bag behind?" I told him that I did not want him to think I was setting him up for exactly this result. Then he said, "Oh, you did not want me to think you are a 'trap hunter?'" I asked him what a 'trap hunter' was. He said that a trap hunter will use circumstance and coincidence to ensnare people into getting naked. Sort of like, "Oh well. Since I am here, we might as well get naked and fool around."

So...I was ensnared in a trap...set by Hot Italian. Hey, that works for me.

Cut to today. Hot Italian told me that he would meet me at the mall. He arrives forty-five minutes before I get off my shift. Anticipation slowed down time, and the remaining minutes were torture because I have been waiting to see him since we first saw each other. He surprised me when he came up to me. When I recognized him, I felt a heat wave in my chest. Hot Italian has no idea how attractive he really is.

After my shift, we go back to his apartment. We both embrace each other. We kiss. We spend the next three hours just asking each other questions, kissing, and finding out more about each other. So, our afternoon was surprisingly rated-PG. Yeah, there was a strong possability there that we would have sex, but that did not happen. I did not want to have sex so soon. I don't know the complicated, haute English word for the next statement: I like Hot Italian enough to not want to have sex with him right away. I mean, the few relationships I have had in the past have taught me that screwing on your first or second encounter just cheapens the "learning" process you experience with your new partner. I want to learn about Hot Italian. I want to know what he likes and dislikes and loves and loaths and what he finds interesting and what he finds banal. I also want to give him enough time to get to know me. I want him to know what I like and dislike and love and loath and find interesting and find banal.

Anyway, we had a performance to make because he had to be there as a precautionary measure just in case Hot Italian had to be a last-minute substitution. So we basically had to kill three-and-a-half hours. During this time Hot Italian introduced me to one of his friends who is also in La Traviata performance who he is out to. His friend asked Hot Italian what we were going to do during the performance. Hot Italian said that him and I were going to find a secluded room and make out. That we did. Right *here* is when things get funny.

Hot Italian and I go to the roof of the Krannert Center where we proceed to kiss each other passionately, i.e., make out. We do this for a few minutes. Hot Italian looks over and says, "Nick, look to the right." I do and I see a quartet of Krannert Center building facility workers trying to not to notice us making out on the roof of the building.


So him and I grab our bags and not-so-gracefully exeunt their presence. I was giggling to myself, but Hot Italian was like "Oh my!" because he really isn't used to showing affection in public. However, this was more than a hand-holding experience so I could understand his apprehension regarding this situation. After we left the roof of the Krannert Center we were standing next to a grove of trees when we see the same quartet of facility workers coming towards us! Now was not the time for a double-dose of social awkwardness so we escaped inside the Center where he played the piano for me for the remainder of the evening. That was nice.

Throughout this whole evening, there are two things that stand out in my mind. One of them was the incident just described above, because it was so humorous, but the other happened earlier in his room. We were lying on is bed facing each other, and I was close enough so that I could only see only his lips on his beautiful face. Just watching his lips move he said, "I am so glad I asked you to date me."

I am glad you asked me, too.

partnership, weird

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