Mar 20, 2005 20:58
A few years ago I developed a scale so I could analyze how drunk I got. It is real helpful in keeping me from over-drinking and making a complete ass out of myself. I call this scale:
Nick's Six-Point Unofficial Scientific Scale of Intoxication.
And it goes a little bit like this:
► Level One: Lightly Buzzed -- After just one or two drinks you feel a bit light headed, but good!
► Level Two: Buzzed -- After a few more drinks you become a bit frisky and exuberant.
► Level Three: Heavily Buzzed -- Watch out. Your hands have a mind of their own!
► Level Four: Drunk -- You start to become a bit slurry and incoherent. [Here is where I usually stop drinking.]
► Level Five: Really Drunk -- This is the point you may become beligerant, or sleepy, or whatever, depending on what kind of alcoholic you are.
☺ Level Six: FUBAR -- You're an asshole. You puke everywhere and get in fights or have unprotected sex and sometimes black out.
I know it may seem a bit neurotic to quantify how drunk I get, but I tend to do things a bit obsessively. I got Level 4 on Friday at the bowling alley, and I had a blast. You know...I should get drunk more often!