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Oct 13, 2009 10:40

It has been an interesting week for me. Unlike in previous semesters at school, I'm actually doing what I need to be doing to remain a good student, for the most part. Of course I could always study more, and waste less time in the internet. Those are too distracting; They will probably remain distracting unless I move into the center of a forest and disconnect myself from these nets. However, right now my grades are good, and I actually feel good.

Last week I delivered my first of four oral presentations in my speech-101 class. Like I said in my previous post on that subject, I think I performed better than most of the class. Yesterday I accomplished two major projects: I wrangled my group together for my liberal arts class and we delivered an impromptu presentation on a piece of art that we analyzed, then; I took my mid-term exam in my speech-101 class. My group performed sufficiently well on our piece, although we (I) did overlook one complete section of the requirements for our presentation. Oops. I also feel I did really well on my mid-term exam.

The only reason why I did so was because that class is a "basic 101" course that only tests wrote memory: Those types of tests aren't based upon comprehension; they are multiple choice exams. "Basic 101" tests aren't even fill-in-the-blank. So: I did very well on it but not because I knew most of the material, I made educated guesses on the questions I didn't know. Of course I knew most of the material; I read the book, but I didn't take notes on the required chapters. I'm far.

Even though I am lackadaisical regarding my scholarly duties, I can say with certainty that I'm doing better than I have done in the past. In my liberal arts class, two of the four groups have members who are being aloof and aren't doing their fair share of the work. One of those two groups went from four members to two! One of those individuals simply disregarded his work and isn't communicating with the group. On Friday, my speech professor set aside that class for make-up speeches for two students. They didn't show up!

I completely understand where those individuals are coming from. Going to college, studying, and doing homework, requires discipline. Discipline requires maturity. Since I have such a hoary past with maturity, I also have a tragic past with discipline and my school responsibilities. I mean, I can't even be asked to take on a full course load per semester because I know I would shirk my responsibilities -- and my academics -- for one or all of those classes. Maybe I just need to learn how to be mature, which, in turn, would enable me to be a better student. For me to do so, I need to learn to be a good student which will enable me to be more mature. This cycle is cyclical.

I have a feeling I will perform well, academically, this semester. I just wish I discovered this "secret knowledge" a few years ago. I should have completed my studies with Parkland College and gone to the University of Illinois by now, but my attitude and discipline is lacking.

But I still feel good. I should hold onto that feeling. It will help me.

college, justthinking

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