Unload: Part II

Jul 21, 2009 14:30

I unloaded my Microsoft XBox. I traded it in for store credit at Exile on Main Street in downtown Champaign. Not surprisingly, the system and the plethora of games I traded in only netted myself $45. I was hoping for something just a bit higher, but at the same time that system is old. Plus, the games I turned in were not sought after by most gamers. Oh well.

The reason why I decided to get rid of the XBox is because I realized I really didn't want to play the games for that system. I realized, not too long after I hooked it up, that I should have sold that system plus games, at the yard sale. Maybe I would have received more money if I did that. I know that I wouldn't have been able to sell that system plus games on Amazon and expected to net myself any worthwhile profits.

Another reason is because...I already own too many fucking systems. Before the yard sale, I had game for 10 systems: Nintendo DS, GBA, Cube, 64, NES, PS2, PS1, XBox, DreamCast, Saturn. Do I have time to play all those games for all those systems? No. I do, however, like owning games, which now that I think about it, is pretty weird. Yes, I do have some nice rarities, but I wonder if I will win those games. They sure do look nice on my shelf, though.

Of course I'll miss those sweet games I don't own anymore. Jet Set Radio Future just oozed style and creativity. And love. Finding a game with creativity, style, and love is so rare nowadays I honestly wonder if gamers will realize what they will loose as the video game medium goes into the future. There are simply too many first-person shooters on the retail shelves that they crowd out anything that is not FPS. Almost all games are focus-group-fucked just to make them as broadly appealing -- and boring and uncreative -- as possible simply so a game company can maximize his investment. So sad. I also would have liked to have gotten deeper into Dai Senryaku VII, but that game was just so deep and complicated it would have swallowed all of my time. I already have grid-based tactical RPGs for my PS2 I simply had to thin the heard. Sorry, "Big Strategy."

The main reason I finally decided to unload my XBox is because I do plan on buying the PS3slim when that is released sometime soon. The rumors are running wild about a sexy, sleek Playstation 3 soon to be released on October 1. If/When that happens, I definitely pick one up. I didn't want to support an eleventh system. That would be crazy, right? Now I'll see if Sony decides to knock $50 off the price of that system. Time will tell...and hopefully soon.

videogames, money

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