Finch Miscarriage

Apr 28, 2009 13:37

Since it was nearing lunch, and Kevin was about to come home for the hour, I decided to start to open up the house to let some air circulate. I had to because the sink water was old and was emitting a foul odor.

Anyway, I open the front door, and the finches dart off into the nearby trees.

A little back-story: For the past week, a finch couple has been trying, fruitlessly, to build a nest behind the house number plaque. The twigs and leaves peppered the front steps in a comical display of ardent ambition. Of course, Kevin and I were wondering why a skittish bird couple would try to build a nest in a high-traffic area. Yeah, the door jamb may provide a little nesting spot for perspective bird couples. But if they are going to spazz out and fly off at the slightest disturbance, wouldn't it be prudent to...I don't in another location?

So: I open the door, the finches take off. I decide to open the door to see if they finally managed to build something akin to a next. I open the door and notice immediately a broken finch egg on the front step!

Holy shit! The finches just broke their own egg by taking off into the trees! Actually, I did feel responsible because they wouldn't have flown off carelessly if I didn't scare them. Kevin did say that the birds shouldn't have attempted to build a nest in an area that is constantly being disturbed by human traffic. The stranges thing about this situation is that there is still no nest on the door jamb. I think the hen finch just laid the egg right there with the hopes of building a nest around it. Weird.

I still feel bad, however. That precious little egg looked so delicate. It could have been a baby finch, but now it is just fertilizer. How sad.

Of course, nothing happens if there aren't pictures. I took some.

From egg

From egg

From egg

From egg

From egg

I hope the finches try again, but at a different location.

ditlo, sucky

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