Feb 23, 2008 21:35
Why is everybody sick right now? Kevin is really, incredibly sick. I heard him vomiting early this morning. I made him a clear breakfast in bed. It consisted of oatmeal, unbuttered toast, and tea. He ate everything except the toast. I was glad he was regaining his appetite. Unfortunately, he vomited again right before I left for the Refinery gym this afternoon. I went to the gym, spent about 2 hours there, including transit time, and came back. When I did come back to Urbana, he was up, much to my surprise, and was eating solid food. I hope he manages to hold down his last meal.
I also called GameStop Mike to see what he was up to. He is sick as well. He caught an intense cold from his girlfriend. Apparently, there is a highly virulent strain of the flu going around central Illinois. I hope I don't catch it. :(