what has six legs?

Feb 28, 2007 23:44

Insects. :)

I went to the University of Illinois entomology exhibit last week and I had quite a bit of fun. Of course, there was no way I was going to pet the hissing cockroaches and GIANT grasshoppers. No way. But I did get some nice pics and a few short videos. :)

Above is a giant grasshopper. It was literally 2 inches long. I guess they like to "hook" onto whatever surface they are perching on. I could see that when the wrangler would try to pick up the grasshopper, it would cling onto clothes, hands, whatever. That action alone gave me the heebee-jeebees.


Above is a huge ant. You can see my hand, so you all can get a reference size of the insect.

Above are leaf cutter ants. The video is slightly blurry, but you can see them carrying leaves. It is actually kind of cute.


video_picture, weird

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