James FQF and PSA update

Sep 17, 2005 19:11

I'm feeling depressed right now because moshes just informed me that a James FQF has been announced. Mosh and I have been thinking about and semi-organising one since last september, and we even nabbed jamesfqf a few months ago. It's even on the psa main page (it says it's coming soon, but it's there), so I'm feeling like my toes have been stepped on a bit, even though we hadn't officially announced it (and I'm feeling angry at myself for not ever doing that).

PSA was always my first priority, and it's taken me this long to get as far as I have with the revamp, which is why the FQF hadn't gotten off the ground yet. We were planning to announce it this month or next month... Not sure what we're going to do now. I'll hopefully get a chance to talk to Mosh tomorrow and discuss what we'll do next. After I talk to Mosh I might talk to xylodemon. xylodemon's FQF is a slash fest, so we might still go ahead with a het and slash James FQF. Would anyone be interested in helping? Especially with the het section?

Anyway, one thing I can officially announce (though if I had a choice I would rather have not had to!), is psa_dungeons, the lj I've set up for the PSA's chan material. It's not going to be a post-heavy lj, it will be for the password and a link to this chan material, and will also have the original NC-17 password, for anyone not wanting to joining a yahoo group or to keep asking me for it:

To get access to the chan material, you need to reply to the intro post with a statement with your age and that you understand and want to read chan material, and that you will not distribute the information within the lj (ie. don't post it/announce it anywhere, I'm not going to stop you sharing it with your friends). And then join the community (just friending won't get you anywhere).

Also, the NC-17 artwork is currently being uploaded to the PSA, so it should all be accessible in the next few hours. I've decided to just put it back up. In the next couple of days I might move some of it to the chan section, I haven't had a chance to seriously sort through and decide which content is risky. If you feel that a piece of art is looking chan, please let me know, I would love a second opinion.

I've gotten a new laptop and seem to have lost/misplaced my Fireworks image program CD, so no new art just yet (am itching to get more up), though fiendling's profile is being uploaded, finally :D (I'd kept it down cos she's got quite a lot of wonderful, but chan-ish, art *loves*)
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