And, of course, we mustn't forget that HP is generally perceived as a children's book, and including references to homosexuality in childrens books is still very much a taboo. I guess it's probably linked to Section 28 (a law disputed a few years ago, I can't remember if it was overturned or not, banning the 'promotion' of homosexuality in schools). Also, the inclusion of a 'token gay character' is much more complicated than that. If they're a student, that goes against the general mental block people have about anyone under eighteen being GBLT, and then there's the issues to do with links with paedophilia, family values etc... basically, whatever JKR might want, I wouldn't think that her publishers would let her mention homosexuality. It just has too many risks of stirring up or alienating people, and with the books so much in the public eye they don't want to risk losing part of their fanbase. Be that as it may, I was kind of hoping that Tonks would turn out to be gay, but HBP threw that out of the window. Now I just have to hope for Charlie...
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