Attention Duelists!

Jan 07, 2009 22:32

This post is for the LJ Anime Trading Card Game. \o/ If you decide to join, please mention that you heard about it from me!


--- SEPT ROSE ✩ LEVEL 04 ---

Player: Sept Rose ✩ \o/
Join Date: 01/07/09
Card Count: 399
Next Level: +002

--- SEPT ROSE ✩ badges ---

--- SEPT ROSE ✩ mastered ---

--- SEPT ROSE ✩ trading buddies ---

Wanna be trading buddies? Just ask!

Player: Ash
Username: scythegasmic
Collecting: [Salvage, Time]
Cards Owed: 000

Player: Grey
Username: greyrook-22
Collecting: [Ora, Try]
Cards Owed: 000

Player: Celi
Username: haruhara
Collecting: [Cover]
Cards Owed: 000

Player: Fufu
Username: techno_beat
Collecting: [Materia]
Cards Owed: 000
Wanna be trading buddies? Just ask!

--- SEPT ROSE ✩ trading terms ---

current decks → Not trading out
future decks → Trading only if you are 1-2 cards from mastery
future future decks → Will trade for a current or future card
special decks & puzzle decks → not trading at the moment
OTP deck → Not trading out
trading decks → Fair game
pending trades → Will be held for one week
held cards → Will hold as long as you need
certificates → Not trading. I use them for Cert Exchange

20 --- MASTERY ✩ DALU --- 20
14 --- CURRENT DECK ✩ ZURA --- 20
10 --- CURRENT DECK ✩ LEGEND --- 20

24 --- OTP DECK ✩ Boxes/Heika --- 40

"The past doesn't matter. What's most important to me, is you."

Boxes = 13/20, Heika = 11/20

14 --- SPECIAL DECKS ✩ Aozora --- 20

--- KEEPING FOR PRETTY ✩ miscellaneous ---

--- FUTURE DECK ✩ four or more ---

--- FUTURE FUTURE DECK ✩ three or less ---

--- TRADE DECK ✩ miscellaneous ---

--- PENDING ✩ zero ---
--- HOLDING ✩ zero ---
--- CHOICE CARDS ✩ zero ---

None at the moment
None at the moment


coding → replica & background →

30 Stars! - "Take one extra choice card from mastering" 11/30
Special Deck - Asterisk (Bleach)
OTP Deck - Kappa/Sutra
OTP Deck - Boxes/Heika
♥Miki Shinichiro♥ - Player, Slack, Geta, Range, Ore

like i have the time, tcg

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