(no subject)

Feb 21, 2007 03:26

Well it's certainly been a while since I've updated. Here's what's up with me.

First off, last semester my roommates (except for Brendon) sucked ass. So I moved very early this semester to a different apartment. I didn't even tell them I was going to (except for Brendon), in fact, I did so while they weren't even there. I left a note reading something along the lines of "I moved. KTHXBAI Andrew". So yeah. The guys I'm rooming with now? They're pretty damn kick ass. They consist of Matthew Moore, Matthew Pallegrini (sp?) and David Dragoset.

Matthew Moore is a friendly chap who I played board games from time to time with last semester, and he was also in my government class. He has these interesting tonal patterns that I've picked up on a bit, as well as several memorable phrases that I've adopted such as "Jesus Fuck!". I tend to adopt people's speech if I hang around them enough. For example, I think I was Brockish for a while, as well as p'dr0nish. I fear that I need to spend some quality time with Mr. William Alex Brock to get that back.

David Dragoset is a very funny fellow as well. It's quite a bit hard to describe what I like about him so much, but we just seem to get along well. We enjoy the occasional ping pong and staying up at 4 AM watching Nick Arcade and commenting on who seems to have mental retardation problems.

Pallegrini I have spent the least time with. He's a good guy it seems, and he'll throw a funny reference into a conversation from time to time. Not sure what else to say about him.. but I would like to hang out with him some sometime.

Despite the presence of cool roommates, I'm mostly spending my time at Sarah's apartment with her and her roommates. I feel pretty bad about taking up space there, but Jamie is fairly non-existent except for the occasional leaving of the room of study to make Walmart easy-mac (yuck). Roll call!

Clarissa Brockway (admirable last name by the way) is quite the cool. Her boyfriend John comes over from time to time as well (he goes to UNT) and we've hit it off pretty well this semester. I suppose we've bonded over several hijinkses and general tom-foolery. Anyhow, Clarissa likes to laugh quite a bit which just makes a fun person to be around. I was hating Round Rock by the end of Winter break, and having Clarissa greet us just made Richardson feel more like home. Clarissa will read this within the next day by the way. OMG CLARISSA IS DA BOMB LOLOLOLOL

Pamela Q. Cobble (it's actually a "D." but whatev, I no tell you!) is an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in another engigma that it's being eaten by a snake that is in the process of eating a snake that is in turn eating him. Actually she's just a cool kid with a stomach condition she likes to brag about. Her catchphrase "Fart!" often sends the room into tears, and she likes to break out into song quite a bit (the good kind, often made up). She will also be reading this. OMG STFU PAM U SUCK

Jamie Wright doesn't leave her room much, and goes home on the weekends. That's all I'm going to say.

So anyhow, that's how hangingoutness has been going lately.

My schedule consists of:
History from Civil War
Music Theory
Digital Systems
Calculus I (again. much better this time)

It's a pretty good schedule. I finally figured out assembly today (oops). Music theory is probably the hardest for me. Everything has been pretty good though.

Boardgaming has been a fun hobby to emerge from college thus far. I've got quite a few games now, and I usually play on Thursday nights (in honor of the old games club) occasional weekends, and anytime during the week that I'm not swamped with work I feel like I should be doing. It's good stuff.

I've finally found some motivation to program again. After years and years of avoiding "pseudocode" thanks to Ms. Fisher, I finally took some paper with me to Calculus today, and wrote quite a bit of code for a Treehouse game (an Icehouse game, the one they package now). I think I'm in love with writing code on paper now. It's just a great way to focus. Do I have any original game ideas? Meh, not really. I need to come up with some stuff to help me brainstorm. My main problem has always been art. I think I want to take a basic drawing class. Anyhow, I think I'm going to take a journal with me to program in from time to time, usually Calculus I think (I don't take notes or pay attention during regular lecture, and I'm passing all the quizzes and such).

Sarah and I are closing in on two whole years of being together (March 2nd). It's weird to think that it's been that long, and knock on wood but we're going as well as ever. She's just a great gal. I love getting to talk intellectually with her, joking around with her, *aheming*, and the like. Still, I wish she didn't get so down sometimes.. I hope she goes to see what counseling is like sometime, just to check it out. That said, she's usually a fairly happy human being at UTD. But I digress.

And gee whiz it's 4 in the morning now. I've become far too much of a night owl.. As I've got to get up for an 11:30 AM class, I will bid you all adieu for the night. Talk to me if you see me online! I like talking usually! I'll try to update occasionally!

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