[Saiyuki] » Popsicle [PG-13]

May 16, 2009 18:54

Title: Popsicle
Pairing: 39
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo.
Notes: This was...actually for an Anon Writing Meme at the RP I'm in. Someone requested the prompt "popsicles", and this was the first thing that came to mind. xD

Currently, Sanzo was annoyed.

No, let's not say annoyed. Let's say extremely annoyed, bordering on pissed.

For the last ten minutes, the monk had been trying to read his newspaper, and was failing miserably. He had had the living room completely to himself almost all day, and he was taking advantage of the peace and quiet to catch up on reading. Of course, he had no idea what the newspaper was talking about, having found it laying in the street, but it was something to read, and it was something familiar in otherwise unfamiliar surroundings.

But then, Goku had come into the living room and planted himself on the couch. The idiot was eating a popsicle. A popsicle. Where he had managed to find one that wasn't a liquid mess by now was practically unfathomable. Not that Sanzo was particularly curious. He honestly didn't care.

It was the constant slurping that was getting to him. He wasn't able to concentrate on the words printed on the paper; before he knew it, he would be at the bottom of a column without even knowing what the column was about. He shot a look over the top of his paper at the spiky-haired brunet, who, unfortunately for Sanzo, didn't seem to be paying attention. Growling angrily, he rustled the paper for effect, and began to attempt to read again.

The slurping noises continued on for several minutes, and Sanzo wondered why Goku didn't just eat the damn popsicle instead of sucking on it all damn day. Though, the thought of his monkey sucking on something was anything but offensive. He made another annoyed noise as he felt heat rise up his neck, and he gritted his teeth until the feeling passed. The top of the paper lowered again, just slightly, and he focused a perturbed glance toward the boy on the couch. And then, he promptly froze, though he made no show of it.

Goku had worked the popsicle - obviously cherry, by the looks of it - down a bit, though it didn't look like he had bitten any off, as if he were purposely trying not to. He knew how Goku went at any kind of food with reckless abandon, so there had to be a reason. Golden eyes caught his own, and the popsicle left the brunet's mouth with a pop!, leaving behind pink-tinged lips and a trickle of red running down his chin. Was that a flash of mischief in those eyes? "Huh? What's wrong, Sanzo?"

Sanzo felt a steady tick on the side of his forehead. He had to be doing this on purpose. Who put him up to this? Gojyo? He silently swore to kill the kappa the next time he saw him. "'ch. Idiot." The paper rose again, mostly to cover the pink that the monk knew was rising to his cheekbones. As pissed off as he was, he couldn't ignore the heat that was also building up a little lower on his body, either.

"Finish eating that damn thing already, and go clean yourself off. I swear to god I'll shoot you myself if you get popsicle on the bedsheets."

39, saiyuki, sanzo, goku

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