
Feb 08, 2007 23:32

The sun is gone, the clouds disperse and Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Whaddayaknow.

Had Freya over. We talked alot. And I think it was just about time...she put some things into perspective. For a short while I shared something with someone again, for real. And here it comes, I hear "Analyse" in my head. =)

I know I blame myself for so many things. And I know that I also blame bad happenings in my life for not gettin a grip. Don't you ever think that I am blind, in any way. Not anymore.
But you can't expect me to perform great deeds, you bastards. Not yet.

For a split second, when I am alone and you can't see, I smile again. And in my head, as I scream every beautiful word ever uttered

(Ce sera un long voyage
sur le vagues de l'oubli
Run from the memory
Je nage, me les sons me suivent)

I am strong again. And none of you fuckers can take that away. Not right now.
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