
Nov 28, 2019 05:26

So grateful for many things, including the rain I hear outside the window. That's right, RAIN, in November! Usually I'm sitting around in a tank top this time of year, worrying about my relatives in fire danger areas ( Read more... )

thanksgiving, links

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Comments 11

puddleshark November 28 2019, 15:05:36 UTC
Looking forwards to Time of Daughters II!

I watched the first few episodes of The Tale of Nokdu and thought I could see where it was going. But I now see I was wrong! I shall have to give it a second chance.

I'm currently watching Dive, a Chinese drama with a university diving team setting - not BL but high on bromance, and the training and diving scenes are wonderful. Will the sensitive star diver with the exquisite cheekbones regain his nerve after a terrible accident? Will the bad boy, bribed into the team with the offer of housing in the athletes' dorm, develop a team spirit?


sartorias November 28 2019, 15:09:30 UTC
Yeah, things take a real change around ep 12. See what you think.

I just can't get into the sports ones. The modern ones are already a hard sell, as I can't stand western fashions, especially the way the Chinese do them. (Shaving the sides of the heads, suits with no socks, all those t-shirts with inane English lettering that distracts me). Give me the beautiful clothes and long hair, she said superficially.


puddleshark November 28 2019, 15:11:48 UTC
There is a lot of that sort of fashion in Dive, but mostly, er, the actors are wearing very little. Not that this has influenced me in any way.


sartorias November 28 2019, 15:12:43 UTC
HEH! :-)


shirebound November 28 2019, 15:31:55 UTC
Thank you for teaching me the word 'anent'!

There are never enough quiet, peaceful days.


sartorias November 28 2019, 16:09:35 UTC


whswhs November 28 2019, 17:13:48 UTC
We have rain here, too, and are glad of it, as the Inland Empire can always use more water.

I'm looking forward to Time of Daughters II, which I plan to buy the day it comes out.

Happy Thanksgiving!


sartorias November 28 2019, 17:29:57 UTC
Thank you, same to you, and I hope you enjoy it!


whswhs November 28 2019, 17:53:33 UTC
I enjoyed the first volume a lot, so the odds are good.


sartorias November 28 2019, 18:06:58 UTC


starshipcat November 29 2019, 01:28:07 UTC
Very glad to hear about the rain you're getting, and thanks for the signal boost (although strictly speaking, it was not a snowstorm, but a wind storm. We were getting 35 mph sustained winds with 60+ mph gusts. One of the particularly strong ones broke the branches off the tree and sent them hurtling against our house).

Now off to my autoresponder company's website to send out a Thanksgiving newsletter to all my lists. After that, it's time to write as much as I can get out before bedtime, because tomorrow we drive back home to begin the process of putting in the formal claim with our insurance company.


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