Back and Con or Bust

Apr 09, 2018 08:52

Home again. It seems to take me two days to recover. Forgive me please for missing many posts--my online time was sporadic, and it didn't help that I had to run the Internet off my phone, as their connection is wonky in the extreme. (They are visually oriented there . . . hmmm . . . I wonder if that thought is worth pursuing.)

Anyway it's time for Con or Bust!

This year I'm offering one of my books that I finally got into POD, and (I think, anyway) very handsome. The offer is here.

I don't know if others value marked up books, actually. I do--I delight in old books, for instance, with scribbles and sketches in them. My favorite, ever, was an old schoolboy's text that a friend's father had found in a bookshop in England during WW II, when he was stationed over there. It had the schoolboy's sketches of fashions in doublets on the flyleaves, and he'd practiced his name in a court hand along the margins. I also have a book of marginalia by monks, little sketches of everyday life.

Anyway, from the sublime to the mundane, there is my offer. I actually enjoy such projects, and it also gives me guilt-free TV time. But whether anyone else enjoys them remains to be seen.

So there it is, and if you're not interested in my offering, look off to the right and scan those tags. There are a lot of goodies on offer, and all to the cause.

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con or bust

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