We need some balance here

Jan 04, 2018 16:53

As I was sitting with the air conditioning running full blast while waiting for my eye appt, I wished there was a way to scoop half the coolth and moisture from the east coast, and apply it here, where it would be welcome.

I also found out why my right eye is so crappy: cataracts.

I am doing my best to lure moisture by watering all the plants.

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life is ridiculous

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Comments 4

whswhs January 5 2018, 02:32:49 UTC
C has cataracts in her right eye. She used to have them in her left eye, but a couple of years ago she saw a very good surgeon and now she has a prosthetic lens there. She says it's astonishing how much better she sees, and she looks forward to the point where her right eye has deteriorated enough so they'll approve of the surgery. Apparently it can take years and years to get to that point.

I have to say, though, that I personally dread the prospect, though apparently cataracts are a typical accompaniment of aging. The thought of a surgeon working on my eyes, especially under local anesthesia, is just viscerally terrifying to the point where I'd have a struggle to choose it over blindness, even though the rationally superior choice seems obvious. Even watching C put various drops in her eyes several times a day made me flinch.


sartorias January 5 2018, 07:09:31 UTC
He said I have a year, maybe two before I'll need the surgery.


shirebound January 5 2018, 12:35:07 UTC
I do wish I could ship you both our snow and icy winds!

My mom just had cataracts surgery (2nd eye will be done next week). Her cataracts were/are very dense, and after the first surgery her vision is sort of miraculous now. If you ever need any info, feel free to ask.


sartorias January 5 2018, 16:36:59 UTC
Thank you!


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