Ventura, California

Dec 21, 2017 09:45

Actually I'm in Camarillo, tucked right up against the foothills of the Conejo Grade. The landscape is so startling, going abruptly from high hills to flat that i'm sure we're on top of a gigantic fault line.

All my relatives are jumpy due to the fires. Everyone has colds, or has had them, probably from the stress. Half an hour ago, a billion sirens raced by and my sister (who had surgery yesterday, which is why I'm here, being hands and feet for her), who is usually the fearless and phlegmatic one, got restless and jumpy.

So I walked to the top of the hill to see if I could make out fire. The clouds of yesterday (actual clouds--everyone was so excited to see them) went away in the night, no doubt to dump rain and snow on the other 99% of North America, and we've got cold dry desert winds . . . and the fire trucks are heading for a site at the top of the mountain.

So we're packing a go bag in case.

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