Almost seven, and I promised I'd start the kitchen slog at seven. I took the evening off last night in order to decrease the stress: I had to pick up the apple pie anyway, from a new place in Seal Beach that makes pies from scratch, without any disgusting corn syrup or other shortcuts. I, like apparently everybody else within a thirty mile radius, waited until the sun went down and the horrible heat began to dissipate a tiny bit: the streets were packed with people wanting ice cream and etc.
I picked up Mexican food (the kitchen is crammed with all the dishes readied for today's onslaught of cooking, everything that couldn't be done yesterday) and I sat in my reading chair and ate Mexican food and watched Spiderman: Homecoming, which was delightful.
So, time to get at it: even though I loathe cooking and cleaning, I'm aware at all times of my gratitude for being alive, for having food to cook and a house to cook it in, and for family to share it with. And of course tomorrow, after the fifty billion dishes are washed and put away, I will be super dooper grateful for leftovers that only have to be zapped!
Those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I wish you a wonderful one, and those who don't, I wish you a terrific day.
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