Two Things

Nov 20, 2017 06:02

Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance--the link is a sobering list of people murdered over their gender identity. That and the upswell of news about women coming forth to call out predators (and yes, there is a lot of that in my family, beginning with my grandmother, who couldn't talk about being raped before she hit puberty for over fifty years; the only job I was fired from was because I refused to sleep with my boss) demonstrates that we have a long way to go.

One of the ways we can try to help humanity's river flow toward peace and acceptance, is the drip by drip method, such as storytelling. Modeling how we could be, even if still not perfect.

Related, I don't usually talk about reviews or suchlike, but a friend pointed out this review at Smart Bitches today, and while a positive review always feels good, what the reviewer highlighted was my own molecule by molecule attempt.

That has just made my month. No, year.

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memorial, behavior, review

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