Early Christmas present: The Elf Who Thought He Was Teddy Roosevelt

Dec 06, 2016 06:22

Originally posted by mrissa at Early Christmas present: The Elf Who Thought He Was Teddy Roosevelt

Some years I take a notion, and this is one of them.

I like the idea of giving fiction as a present, but I’m not embedded enough in the fanfiction community-or, let us be honest, committed or organized enough-to commit to doing Yuletide. Instead, some years I decide it’s time to give a story away for free for Christmas, to whoever wants to read it. Please don’t copy the text, but spread the link far and wide if you want to. This year Mikulas left Teddy Roosevelt in your shoe. Or rather-

The Elf WHo Thought He Was Teddy Roosevelt

Originally published at Novel Gazing Redux
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