The other day I posted Jane Austen's writing advice clipped from her letters to a writing niece. Afterwards, I got three different people writing me privately to ask, basically, what is so bad about figurative language
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Ah, but we don't know how readily anger spreads through a voice. If it's like ink in water, a little drop will tint the entire thing in no time at all. It'll just be lighter than if you dumped the whole bottle in. :D
Depends, I guess, (ugh, I am running out English words here)on how easily anger congeals - so, if where I live has cool climate (it does), then I might have "touch of anger" in my voice, when if you happen to live in hot climate, anger might be more liquid and diffusing more easily in the flow of voice ...
"His heart was clotted with congealed anger and though he didn't die, still he had nightmares." :D
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