Funny Romance with magic

Sep 03, 2013 10:35

I really love The Hinky Chicago series by Jennifer Stevenson. (Whose interview furnished some interesting insights about writing, I thought.)

I have a fondness for funny romance a la Jennifer Crusie--unabashedly bawdy, cheerfully sensuous, with interesting characters and emotional dynamics, but never sodden or lugubrious.

Into this mix add: Chicagoans and their attitude if magic were to appear unexplained ("we don't call it magic, because you know what happened to Pittsburgh! We just say it's . . . hinky"); a six foot Valkyrie of a heroine whose job it is to "deal with" hinkiness, while meanwhile her mess of a sex life gets her into difficulties right and left; an arrogant English earl from the Regency period, whose privileged attitude pissed off a witch and so who ended up magically chained to a bed until he could satisfy 100 women.

I love this series--the characters, the little details of unromantic Chicago life mixed in with the impossible, the sheer joy as well as the laughter. On a second and third read I realized how much sharp insight into human behavior and emotional dynamics Stevenson slides in while remaining highly entertaining.

comedy of manners, fantasy, romance

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