praetorianguard has a post about Sirens Programming, which closes May 10th. I know several who read here have been considering a proposal or two.
She says:
Submitting programming is not scary. In fact, since the programming team doesn’t let me near any of the programming or the vetting board, that means I am FREE to help you with your submissions. Need ideas? I am chock-full of them. Need editing? I LOVE editing. Need someone to walk you through the process? I submit a lot of programming, and I’m happy to help!
Even though this year is faery year, any topic on women in fantasy literature goes. Want to talk about J. K. Rowling’s work? Sure. Want to talk about Lyra Belacqua? Hooray! Want to submit about the evolution of female characters in YA fantasy literature over the past 15 years? Heavens, you should do that.
On the flip side, though, if you don’t submit it, and no one else submits it, whatever it is isn’t going to be on the program. If you don’t talk about race in fantasy literature, who will? If you don’t present on queerness, who will? If you don’t talk about portrayals of virginity and teen sex in fantasy literature, well, maybe I’ll do that one.
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