Poll for writers who've sold a book

Aug 29, 2009 07:12

This is to help out megancrewe (whose Give Up the Ghost comes out in a couple of weeks--I just inhaled this book, the voice was so nifty, and the way she wove the ghosts in so different and wonderful).

Megan is examining the theory that you need connections in order to publish. So if you've sold a book, please take the poll--and there is a space below to explain circumstances if you need to.

I'm really interested in seeing what data she comes up with. My sense is that yup, connections of some kind are going to help, and no connections make the road a whole lot steeper and longer. There are a bunch of writers who have given up on traditional publishing altogether, and have turned to small press, self-publishing (honest outfits as well as the well-publicized ripoffs) and online storefront, like the Bookview Cafe which has new content every day, from a host of already published authors. There are also various crowdfunded projects going on--I need to scope more of these out. (Crowdfunded authors, if you feel like speaking up in the comments, please link away.)

alternate publishing, poll, links

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