Sep 05, 2014 12:22
Well right now I am doing the rough design for an art project, which I should have started about a week ago *smiles*
I would scan it in and show you but this computer doesn't have the scanner attached >.< oh well. I started it last night while watching Merlin staring Sam Neil, It's quite a good film, and there is a nice bit of slash in it, but it's between King Aurthur and his long lost (evil) son, who he ended up killing him in the end! OH THE ANGST OF IT ALL!
Anyway Friday night at Tristans party was ok, I got somewhat drunk and was like a 5 year me, loud and very difficult to handle *smile with a halo above* and basically was a pain in the ass for my two friends (who were trying to get it on...enter me the mood-breaker) and for Aaron who tried to clam me down!
I also woke up at 8:30 the following morning and had to walk home. It was a nice walk until my body realized that I hadn't eaten and was trying to make energy out of the alcohol that was still in my system, that didn't make me feel very well. But Aaron took care of me, he seems to do a lot of that, I feel like a useless idiot! *sighs*
All day Saturday, I was in a RPG and it was all fun because Ash joined and he plays an old man in a wheel chair that was a smart arss to everyone ^_~; it most amusing. The only problem was that some of us didn't turn up, one named TWEAK! and well Shalini has a MAJOR thing for Tweak and she only really join the RPG, to be near Tweak, to flirt with Tweak and to basically follow him a around like a bitch on heat.
The worse part about this all is she doesn't join in on the RPG, she just sits there like kicked dog waiting for her master to return. Even Kenny notice...Kenny's running the whole game and he usually is very nice and doesn't care about a lot of things but he was kind of pissed that she wasn't doing anything either! I was too and I like her but I think its crap to join something, sit there and do nothing, and take the mood of the group down all because you're bitch of a on and off again boyfriend isn't there for the day! it's extremely annoying, believe me!
Well anyway I got a call from my dad yesterday evening and he told that my car is finally all fixed up, all it needs are some new tiers and we're set! am very pleased about that!
Back off to do my assignments *sigh*