Tis not fair

Mar 25, 2004 08:57


Kinokuniya Books Art Gallery and Fan Art Competetion

Not only does Kinokuniya Books sell a huge range of comic-books, anime and manga but they love giving it the respect that it deserves. That’s why they are doing some special stuff before and during the expo. First all they are opening a gallery of local artists’ work at their Sydney store that will run from the beginning of April until the middle of May. Not only will the comics be available but you’ll be able to buy the original artwork too. There’s more though as they are sponsoring the Fan Art comp as well and will be displaying everyone’s entries in store until moving it to Supanova for judging on the weekend.

Normally I don't want to go to Supranova cause it's so crap, but Kinokuniya is going to be there and they properly going to be selling yaoi really cheap, tis no not fair I really want to go.

Apart from that I have been working on my art assignment, it's driving me nuts, But my teacher said that she loves it and I should clam down and not get so worked up over it. So I must not stress out over it.

Was also on the phone for several hours with Minna the other night, It was most enjoyable because by the end we weren't talking to each other anymore we were singing and humming as I said it was most enjoyable.

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