May 19, 2007 22:33
So, update of my life..
Andrew and I broke up, for various reasons I guess. He doesn't trust himself over the summer because he works at a beach...well that's great. He's also not a committment kinda guy, so he was getting bored with me. Whatever. I'm okay with it. Since I don't have to see him every day for the next three and a half months, I think I'll survive. I've hardly even thought about it, and I haven't been sad since I hugged him goodbye.
Speaking of goodbye. I'm home now and I will be until the beginning of September. I don't know what I'm going to do with all of that free time! I should probably use some to unpack.
I still haven't unpacked much. I got my clothes and movies out of the way, but that didn't really do a whole lot. I have lots of boxes and bags in my room still. Maybe by mid June I'll have it unpacked.
Speaking of mid June (well 2/3 into June) I got a job! But it doesn't start until June 18th. It's at the Lewiston Rec. I'm working for the tennis program. Right now I'd be a sub, but if they get the amount of kids they had last year, I'd be working every day, and Anita said that's most likely what will happen. So that's pretty sweet. It's for seven weeks, 4 hours a day and I think it's only Mon-Thurs. Which means I'm either going to take some evening classes (get some useless requirements out of the way) or pick up another part time job. Any suggestions for places to work are super (preferably no food or clothing places)
I guess that's really it.
Oh yes. I miss the person who once said this...
"You could wear underwear on your head and i'd still be like way to be cute"