Apr 13, 2006 22:03
I can’t tell you, but I tell myself, I just want to hold you.
I hate liking you.
You treat and treated me like shit,
and yet compared to the others you have treated me better.
(which isn't saying much.)
Just let me hold you while we fall apart.
Even though we had our fall out, please still call on me when you need me.
I know you don’t need anyone.
I know you have made it through a life that I couldn’t even imagine.
You’ve been through so much.
So stop trying to solve it on your own.
Let me hold you.
I may not be able to help,
But sometimes knowing someone does care about you is helpful enough.
My friends hate you, and I’m supposed to hate you too.
You’ve definitely had your share in doing me wrong.
But I still don’t want you to feel the way you do.
Sure I was mad.
I’m still mad.
I don’t like what you did to me.
But I don’t want you to hurt for it.
You are working to hard to figure things out.
All I want you to know is that I have faith in you.
I know if you truly try you can make it work for yourself.
Don’t get messed up into the crap you’re doing though.
Drinking is no way to figure out a life.
I take it you’d rather a bottle be your comfort then my arms.
That’s fine.
That’s your choice.
I just hope your bottle can swallow your dick as well as I did.