Apr 03, 2005 22:59
Alright so i guess this is the "cool" thing to do, so i will... cause i like to be "trendy" lol j/j (acctually i'm tired but don't wanna go to bed so am doing this instead)
[my name is]: sarah
[in the morning I am]: trying to sleep
[all I need is]: "all ya need is love"(da da da da da) (name this song)
[love is]: Over-rated
[I'm afraid of]: NEEDLES!!!!
[I dream about]: can't remember(clouds and bunnys?lol)
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: smile, teeth, eye's, height
[dream boy/girlfriend]: makes me laugh, and is an all around nice person, who makes me feel good and tingly inside LOL j/j!
[do you believe in love at first sight?]: lust is very powerful, love is over-rated.
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: mixture of ppl.
[makes you smile]: ppl.
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: what kidna feeling? i have a few ppl. that are the ocward, dang what do you say now kinda thing, but it's always sealed with a kiss. lol j/j
[has a crush on you?]: hands up? you tell me?
[do you find easiest to talk to]: depends what i'm talking about!! different ppl. for different subjects.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: katie
[hugged]: My daddy, i hugged him goodnight :P (i'm a daddy's girl)
[you instant messaged]: adam/tom
[you laughed with]: lindsay acctually i think today (i was driving home and she saw me on the rd. so instead of her clicking me up on the phone like usual i clicked her up before she could get me, ..it was funny lol) atleast i thought so lol
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: No
[could you live without the computer?]:yeah
[what's your favourite food?]: italian, chineese
[what's your favourite fruit?]: oranges
[drink alcohol?]: yeah, i admit it (i'm a vodka fan) (i try to contain it though...)
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: "you make my sun rise and my lighting makes yours fall.."
[trust others way too easily?]: NO!!!! not at all! it takes a bit to build trust with me.
-N U M B E R-
[of times I have had my heart broken?]: none. i try not to get my heart up.. that way there's no fall.
[of hearts I have broken?]: none. that i know of. lol
[of boys I have kissed?]: i don't kiss and tell... (but i do have a tendancy to lead ppl. on by accident, so i find out... sorry)
[of girls I have kissed?]: none
[of continents I have lived in?]: ?
[of drugs taken illegally?]: one.(gotta try everything once....)
[of tight friends?]: 4-6??? not sure lol
[of cd's that i own?]: o goodness, i love music, i own a LOT! to many to count.
[of scars on my body?]: don't count (but i'll let you, wink wink...lol)
[of things in my past that i regret?]:no regrets, things i wish i woulda done different, and things i acknowledge i did wropng, but hey they were lessons to be learned...
I KNOW: i'm a tea pot
I HAVE: a cat
I WISH: I could sleep...
I HATE: ppl. who think they know EVErything about me, but acctually never take the time to ASK me and they JSUt ASSUME EVERYTHING!!!!...(this REALLY actually makes me REALLY mad!!)
I MISS: the old days (but have fun in the new)
I HEAR: the dang clicky noise of the msn and aol.. and music..
I SEARCH: for my cell phone lol j/j
I REGRET: no regrets, just unsure decisions..
I LOVE: my firends and family
I ACHE: all over lol
I CARE: about friends and family
I ALWAYS: worry
I AM NOT: sure of anythign anymore
I DANCE: only if i'm drunk lol and then it's really bad
I SING: when i'm drunk and that's also bad, but i sind occasionally some other tiems, just not loud
I CRY: when i'm down (but never to otehrs, i hate getting pitty lol)
I DO NOT ALWAYS: get life lol
I WRITE: in my journal
I WIN:NEVER, maybe the pepsi cap soemtiems
I LOSE: things
I CONFUSE: poeple a LOT..and myself lol
I LISTEN: to everyone! lol though if it's boreing i daze out, but if soemones upset i'm always there with an open ear
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: you can't find me i'm the ginger bread girl...LOL j/j
[If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to]: the sideffects are teh best part lol. j/j.. um i think that is an obviouse answer though..atleas6t to myself it is..
[A time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally]: ??? situation under speculation
[A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally]: ?? sittuation under specualtion
[One person you have killed in your thoughts]: Goodness , wow that's a question aint it!!LOL gasp...
[Three traits you look for in a friend]: Funny, adventureous, good tiems lol(i don't know ask my friends what traits they have)
[Who makes you laugh most often]: lots of ppl.
[A friend who you can tell anything]: depends what im telling
[A friend you can go to for advice]: depends what i need lol
[The best piece of advice you had been given]: "STOP.." lol
[The friend who uses most of your energy]: jackie LOL luv ya girl, but you're crazy! :P
[Your 3 best qualities]: ?,?,?
[Your 3 worst qualities]: worry all the time, opinionated, stresses easily
[A compliment that makes you blush]: saying i'm tall.. i hate that! but ppl. say it's a complimet, i guess each to their own opinion. lol
[The greatest physical pain you ever endured]: osteomylitis (iv's yuck!!!)
[The greatest emotional pain you ever endured]: watching relative die...
[Moment you are most ashamed of]: um..just ask me in person...
[Your best physical feature]: ???
[Who/What makes you happy]: friends
[Who/what makes you sad]: weird things?
[One of your most peaceful memories]: being by myself soemtimes in m,y rooom, writting and listening to music... or being at my property up north.
[One of your most tragic memories]: .........
[One of your angriest memories]: ????
[Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive]: I like you is ussually a good start.. lol
[something someone can say or do that you find unattractive]: smoke
[Two things appealing about people]: music, smile
[What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship]: never had a long term commitment... kinda scared of that.lol..