Love me, love me I know that you need me I can't care 'bout anything but you...

Feb 16, 2005 15:50

Omg how fucking annoying! So I applied to _plastics_  a little bit ago and you needed a stamp and 25 yes's. Well I got like 29 yes's straight and some stupid bitch, hot_pink_thong   decides she's going to make a fucking spectacle of herself and say no. Which is fine whatever, but she said no because I said distressed jeans were my favorite thing to wear.. here was the posts:

Subject: NO
the next person who talks about how cool "distressed" jeans are im gonna kick in the face. dumb little teenybopper 'i wanna be so trendy preppy' stores like abercrombie and hollister made distressed and destroyed jeans become way to played out already.

Subject: Re: NO
but that brown shirt in the first pics from abercrombie is cute. i picked it up before i stopped working a week ago or so.

I cannot think of a bigger hypocritical statement! So then.. I looked at her interests and she has listed ABERCROMBIE and HOLLISTER ! What a fucking stupid whore. So I wrote that and she's like..

Subject: Re: NO
wanna know why i have them listed? ive worked at both abercrombie and hollister. i joined to see if anyone worked at the stores i was being hired at before i started working there and to ask questions about how it was working there. i wouldnt be caught dead in most of their clothing, and working there and seeing all the cliche girls come in and think they were the coolest things ever since they shopped there made me want to not be caught dead in their shit even moreso.

And then I got rejected because I talked back to their dumb bitch member. She's ugly too I saw her picture. Lol. But honestly? I had like 30 some votes and they were all yes's except her's and I don't get in because I called the girl out?

Don't ever join that community !


I'll write later.

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