Doctor Who and fandom rabbitholes

Feb 06, 2022 12:30

Thirteen is awesome. I love her. And she got some awesome episodes and some duds, just like all the previous doctors. I try to stay away from negativity in fandom generally, so while I'm aware of the sad fanboys that have done their best to drag her down since before she even started, I don't really know whether the decision to have less eps and the delay on having a new doctor has anything to do with her ratings/popularity.

I loved her first two seasons overall and her found family with Yas and Ryan and Graham. I watched the first couple of the 6 season 'Flux' arc a few months ago when they were airing, didn't really grab me and I got distracted. Finally sat down to finish off the series, and, full disclaimer, was tired, may have slept through bits, could tell it was an epic adventure with a cast of thousands, and was no doubt an excellent story, but I don't watch Doctor Who to watch the bad guys and one off characters take up most of the screentime while the Doctor and the companions are separated for nearly the entire series. I'm all for giving the companions agency and their own shit to do, but come on, four years?

Anyway, was pretty flat when I finished the series, but then, and this is how out of the loop I am, was pleasantly surprised to find the first of the three specials was there, Eve of the Daleks, so we watched that and I loved it to bits. It was everything I love about the show, the Doctor and companions fighting aliens together and taking care of each other and the guest stars were great too.

The Irish character sounded EXACTLY like my senior manager at work, from the sound of her voice to the phrases to the emphatic way of talking so I looked up the actress and she's a comedian as well and that sent me down a youtube rabbithole tonight.

So anyway, Aisling Bea, who i had never heard of before tonight seems great -

**DW wouldn't let me embed the video or hide my link tonight, and I can't even anymore. Also, its been 11 hours and no crosspost so I am just going to be manually adding to LJ and if any turn up twice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

doctor who and fandom rabbitholes

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