How to find vids (we don't call them songvids anymore, do we?)

Feb 07, 2020 17:07

A friend of mine asked where the best place to find hockey rpf vids is, and I realised that I am also out of touch about where to find vids nowadays. When did I stop watching songvids? Was it when it became super easy to rewatch actual shows and new shows, or when AO3 came along and all the fic in the world was suddenly at my fingertips?

Now, I have gone looking for vids on AO3 before and I'm not great at searching, so maybe this is the go to place now and I just don't know how to go?

Usually if I get a hankering, there's enough just on youtube to satisfy it, but when there aren't good ones I'm like, I should try harder. and then I wander off.

Also, where do I find hockey rpf vids, please?


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