Fannish things

Jan 09, 2018 22:43

Currently rewatching a s7 Lewis episode, has Peter Davison, Wiggins from Sherlock and Taron Egerton all young and adorable and singing.

Ashmolean exhibition photo

My BFF emailed me to tell me that she'd just finished Black Sails and was super excited so I made her spoil me. I usually like to watch things spoiler free - I don't even bother watching movie promos - except if I need extra incentive, like knowing Hannibal/Will became canon got me through some pretty wrenching scenes in the first two seasons. Or if a friend is busting to talk to me about it, yay. I will for definitely be prioritising watching this show after this month (can't get involved in new fandoms when writing fic).

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FINALLY got around to watching The A-Team movie on the weekend - loved the show as a kid, was doubtful about the movie even though I'd heard it was good. Or rather, doubt about whether I'd enjoy it since I no longer particularly enjoy gun fights and car chases anymore. They did the 'if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team' spiel at the end of the movie, but since it was 2010, and there hasn't been any more movies or a spin off show, I guess you can't. Which I'm sad about because the movie was so much fun, the action was ridiculous and the script was funny as hell.

Flying the tank...

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And Flatliners last night, my housemate's choice, I wasn't a huge fan of the original, but it turned out I knew most of the actors and not gonna lie, definitely predisposes me to like something if I like the actors. Ellen Page, Elena from Vampire Diaries, Bhodi from Star Wars and the main dude from Granchester.

movie rec, lewis, pirates, show recs

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