*Draft because I may add a fandom or two if I get inspired before sign ups close
Thank you for volunteering to write my little fandom, I already love you. I have been doing Yuletide from nearly the beginning and absolutely none of the excitement has worn off for me. I LOVE YULETIDE.
Also, if detailed letters stress you out and/or you already know what you want to write, feel free to not even read below. Truly :)
I hope I gave you plenty of ideas to play with and inspire you. I've tried to give you lots of scope, but if you find you can't work with them, or if you have another brilliant idea that excites you to write, then don't feel locked in to my prompts. I really believe the most important thing about Yuletide is writing a story that you're enthusiastic about and have fun writing.
Just briefly with the likes/dislikes - I love character driven stories that focus on relationships (either ships or devoted friendships), add as much or as little plot as you like. Please, please, NO character death, rape, partner betrayal etc. I don't mind angst, as long as there's a happy ending. I am all about TEH HAPPY.
Also, just mentioning that you are in no way limited to writing only my nominated characters, feel free to include anyone else in canon or even OCs if you like.
Regulars Guys
Prompt -
I would love to see Chris realise that he CAN be gay for Edgar. Maybe having him ineptly attempt to woo Edgar might be fun? Or if you have another idea you’d like to run with, that’s awesome too. I generally prefer character driven rather than PWPs - I like hot porn as much as the next slasher but I like a believable exploration of how the characters get there so it certainly doesn’t have to be detailed. But because Chris has had to completely reassess his identity and ability to have sex with a man, I wouldn’t mind some insight into what he’s feeling when he does take the leap. If you don’t want to write them getting together that’s cool, but it'd be awesome if Chris and Edgar’s friendship could be a main focus. Whatever you choose to write will be awesome as long as you have fun writing it.
Extra squee -
Just random things I love about the film, mostly I never get to rave about how much I love them:
I love how Chris is bemused by the whole thing - his developing feelings for Edgar, his jealousy of Marco, the uncertainty of not knowing if he did have sex with a man and not rejecting outright the possibility that something COULD have happened. How disconcerted he was about Mike and Edgar suddenly apparently boyfriends now.
I love that Edgar is so genuinely nice, and completely in love with Chris, that scene where he looks at a dozing Chris and murmurs just a little sadly about having fallen for him at first sight. And the teasing, the goggles ‘Du machst mir blind.’ I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE.
The Champions
Oh, hey, eps up on youtube,
“Telepathic pain” is how they describe it, when one gets hurt and the others feel it. I love that when Richard kisses a girl, Craig smiles. I love that their partnership is professional, but that they care about each other. I love the fact that the three of them are so intertwined, psychically.
I’d really love a fic that showcases that relationship. It could a fic where they realise that they will always be the most important people in each other lives and live happily ever after together, either in a sexy threesome, or in a platonic co-dependant way. Or a mission fic with lots of hurt/comfort and depending on each other.
I haven't nominated Tremayne because I didn't want you to feel you have to include him, but I do enjoy him so if none of the ideas above inspire you, I’d also love a fic where Tremayne Finds Out, because Big Reveals are always awesome.
Forever Knight
My relationship with Forever Knight: my friends and I loved this show. When it was airing, omg so many years ago, I would go over to their house every week, we’d go for a jog, then order pizza and watch the latest episode. Then the finale happened. With the big dramatic angsty final scene where Nick begs Lacroix to kill him. And we laughed. It was such a ridiculous come down.
Even though Natalie’s death was technically a fridging, I didn’t mind it because it was a decision she made that I could believe and she knew the risk and it had consequences. What I couldn’t believe was Nick sacrificing his long life and his quest for atonement to commit (essentially) suicide. And also, no way would Lacroix have let him.
I also didn’t mind Tracy’s death because she was a cop in a dangerous situation and shit happens. I mean I was GRUMPY because I loved her and wanted her to live, but I didn’t think it was pointless.
And Schanke, that was such a great episode when he worked out the truth about Nick and I was grumpy with Nick for making him forget. Keeping him in the dark was NOT protecting him. OR TRACY for that matter.
My sign up -
Hello, thank you for writing for me - you absolutely don't have to write all the characters I've nominated, and feel free to include anyone else you like :)
Prompts below are optional, if you have another fic you are keen to write go for it - I like all the characters and prefer character driven stories that focus on relationships rather than straight case fics.
- AU where Tracy survived! Nick mans up instead of making her forget.
- Schanke works it out AGAIN, or finds the photo again and remembers and this time Nick respects him enough to NOT make him forget.
- Schanke returns - IIRC his body was never found? Maybe the trauma has made him remember, or Nick in helping him deal with his trauma, inadvertently (or advertently) reveals his truth, or maybe Schanke survived because he’d just been turned?
- Either Lacroix refuses to kill Nick and makes him deal with his manpain (not even AU because that’s totally what would have happened if the series had been renewed) or slight AU where Nick doesn’t give up and decide to die.
Look, if none of these ideas appeal to you, Nick and Tracy being awesome together, or Nick and Schanke being awesome together, or Lacroix/Janette/Nick relationship (I OT3 them) stuff are all things I love. Not averse to Nick/Schanke either, come to think of it, cos that would be an interesting challenge *g*