Movie recs

Jul 24, 2016 23:05

So it's been three months since i posted anything at all and much longer than that since I posted RL update as opposed to fandom stuff. GAH. At first I was super obsessed with Hannibal but then it turned into a stupid avoidance thing, to the point I've been planning to post something - anything - every day for weeks. AND YET.

I rarely see movies at the cinema anymore - a regular adult ticket costs $23, although I've paid to join my local cinema's club which gives discounts. And this week I've been to TWO films, neither of which I had any expectations about and both of which been so awesome I've cried literal tears of happiness.

Firstly, of course, GHOSTBUSTERS. I'd only seen the first terrible trailer, but I was still determined to throw money at it so the smug white dudes who get to decide these things can't keep arguing that movies with women in lead roles don't make money.

And then it was everything I could have dreamed of, a fun plot, some great action scenes, consistently funny and absolutely the best, the GREATEST, thing of all was I sat there watching a story about women I could relate to, women I could be friends with, being competent and loyal and funny and brave. This was a movie about women's friendship. My fifteen year old daughter spent half the film turning to grin gleefully at me at all the awesomeness.

This review pretty much sums up my reaction

AND THEN THERE WAS STAR TREK, YAY. After the last, so terrible film I was afraid to look forward to this one even with Simon Pegg writing it, and then it was so great. I was crying by the end, not just for the bittersweet references to Ambassador Spock, but because it was really Star Trek.

- KIRK all mature and responsible and not leering at or making suggestive comments at female characters (ugh, that that's something to be grateful for)
- and no gratuitous scenes of the main female actors in their underwear for a change (or any women at all dressed 'provocatively')
- Spock/McCoy friendship/bonding scenes
- Uhura being critically important TWICE during the film, once for her bravery and once for her mad skillz
- Jayla (who I just discovered looking on IMDB was Gazelle in Kingsman - Sofia Boudella. Great character.
- Idris Elba
- diversity, diversity, diversity - with the obvious exception of the four white human dudes in the main seven, I only registered one other white male human in a (minor) speaking role.
Scotty/Keenser - I adore their inseperableness and pleasure in each other's company
- the topical social commentary (omg this is Star Trek, yay)
- when the actors' names come up at the end, the fact that the main seven came up in alphabetical order - ensemble cast FTW.
- the Ambassador Spock references, of course.
- the voiceover at the end 'Space, the final frontier' a line being spoken by each of them, with Uhura finishing with 'where no one has gone before' I was SOBBING.
- Sulu's husband and child get an honourable mention, but not so much as a kiss on the cheek, or a line of dialogue, really? It is 2016, sorry, whatever the stardate is.
- Kirk and McCoy looking super hot in civvies (could only find this not at all doing them justice photo. I think I'm finally able to ship them.

Yay, here is the gif set

movie rec, feminism, star trek

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