Gorgeous Hannibal

Mar 08, 2016 07:08

Over the last couple of weeks I've rewatched Hannibal with my housemates. The first time through I liked the first season but didn't ship them, liked the second season but was on edge about the betrayals and attempts to kill each other...and didn't ship them, and then the third season happened and I fell hard.

The second time through I understood all the layers and motivations and appreciated all the surreal images and was like, omg this show is AMAZING. And the imagery is stunning. (Bryan Fuller described it as arty and pretentious and experimental).

Mads Mikkleson (Hannibal) says that Hannibal fell in love with Will the first time he saw him. Hannibal saw the potential for a soulmate, and cultivated Will.

With all my knowledge and intuition I could never entirely predict you. I can feed the caterpillar, I can whisper through the chrysalis, but what hatches follows its own nature and is beyond me. - Hannibal to Will 2.08

Meanwhile Will struggles to not give in to his dark side and to capture Hannibal - he is tempted and very much under Hannibal's spell.

Beautiful vid

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intensely focussed, hannibal

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