Movie rec: 3

Feb 13, 2016 07:18

Gah, don't they know giving movie really generic titles - or numbers - just makes it hard to google it.

Friend introduced me to this German film the other day - it's about a couple, Hanna and Simon, who've been together nearly 20 years, they love each other but it's an unconventional relationship, no kids, lead independent type lives.

Separately they (unknowingly) start an affair with the same dude, Adam. I had issues with the infidelity, but it didn't seem to be a thing that either of them felt angst about, so maybe due to independent lives? IDK.

Hannah and Adam's affair is pretty standard, but Simon and Adam's relationship reads like wonderful fanfiction. It starts out with a handjob at the pool when Simon is feeling vulnerable, then Simon's the one who pursues the relationship, reassesses his whole sexuality. Adam, bi guy who was just in it for the casual sex, gradually falls for Simon, there's this wonderful montage that demonstrates the way the sex and commitment ramps up as they fall in love.

And given the picture on the dvd cover, it's not really a spoiler to say they all end up together, yay!

Trailer on IMDB here

Actors at the Venice Film Festival looking swish.

movie rec

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