Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 24, 2015 10:42

Thank you, thank you, thank you for volunteering to write my little fandom, I already love you :)

I have been doing Yuletide from nearly the beginning and absolutely none of the excitement has worn off for me. I LOVE YULETIDE, WHEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a note - yes, I recycle most of my Yuletide letter, except for the new fandoms, the ones I don't hopefully request year after year, but that's because I've spent years getting my letter how I like it.

Also, if detailed letters stress you out and/or you already know what you want to write, feel free to not even read below. Truly :)

I hope I gave you plenty of ideas to play with and inspire you. I've tried to give you lots of scope, but if you find you can't work with them, or if you have another brilliant idea that excites you to write, then don't feel locked in to my prompts. I really believe the most important thing about Yuletide is writing a story that you're enthusiastic about and have fun writing.

Just briefly with the likes/dislikes - I love character driven stories that focus on relationships (either ships or devoted friendships), add as much or as little plot as you like. Please, please, NO character death, rape, partner betrayal etc. I don't mind angst, as long as there's a happy ending. I am all about TEH HAPPY.

Also, just mentioning that you are in no way limited to writing only my nominated characters, feel free to include anyone else in canon or even OCs if you like.

On my requests - there are two fandoms I request every single year. Other fandoms appear and disappear from my requests depending on whether they happen to be on my radar at the time of sign ups, and now that we can request up to six fandoms each year there will be a couple of new fandoms that may only be on my MUST HAVE FIC for that one year. I just want to clarify that I am equally excited to be matched on, and get fic for, ANY of these fandoms, I have literally no preference, I request them because I WANT ALL THE FIC.

On the specific fandoms -
I have been requesting Regular Guys and The Champions since the beginning and am convinced that One Day My Fic Will Come (hee, sorry).

Sethon is a recurring one. Last year I got a lovely, lovely fic which made me very happy, and the fact that I am making the same request this year is because I am a fan who will happily read eleventy billion iterations of the same trope if it's one of my faves, so if you match on this fandom, don't feel that you have to write something totally different (I mention this because I have only recently discovered (when I told someone I was asking for Sethon again) that checking previous years requests is a thing that people do).

What We Do in the Shadows and Phryne Fisher - Kerry Greenwood are the new fandoms. I am a huge MFMM fan, and since i finished uni in July have been ploughing through the books, which are ADORABLE. I love all the characters and regard the show and books as equally valid AUs of each other. At time of nominations i had just literally finished Blood and Circuses and was super keen to discover what happened to other characters in the book, so if you've matched on this fandom it's either because you've recklessly chosen 'Any' or because you've checked my Yuletide letter before you signed up and actually want to write about these characters, in which case, we should absolutely be BFFs *cough*

Regulars Guys

Prompt -
I would love to see Chris realise that he CAN be gay for Edgar. Maybe having him ineptly attempt to woo Edgar might be fun? Or if you have another idea you’d like to run with, that’s awesome too. I generally prefer character driven rather than PWPs - I like hot porn as much as the next slasher but I like a believable exploration of how the characters get there so it certainly doesn’t have to be detailed. But because Chris has had to completely reassess his identity and ability to have sex with a man, I wouldn’t mind some insight into what he’s feeling when he does take the leap. If you don’t want to write them getting together that’s cool, but it'd be awesome if Chris and Edgar’s friendship could be a main focus. Whatever you choose to write will be awesome as long as you have fun writing it.

Extra squee -
Just random things I love about the film, mostly I never get to rave about how much I love them:

I love how Chris is bemused by the whole thing - his developing feelings for Edgar, his jealousy of Marco, the uncertainty of not knowing if he did have sex with a man and not rejecting outright the possibility that something COULD have happened. How disconcerted he was about Mike and Edgar suddenly apparently boyfriends now.

I love that Edgar is so genuinely nice, and completely in love with Chris, that scene where he looks at a dozing Chris and murmurs just a little sadly about having fallen for him at first sight. And the teasing, the goggles ‘Du machst mir blind.’ I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE.

The Champions

Prompt -
“Telepathic pain” is how they describe it, when one gets hurt and the others feel it. I love that when Richard kisses a girl, Craig smiles. I love that their partnership is professional, but that they care about each other. I love the fact that the three of them are so intertwined, psychically.

I’d really love a fic that showcases that relationship. It could a fic where they realise that they will always be the most important people in each other lives and live happily ever after together, either in a sexy threesome, or in a platonic co-dependant way. Or a mission fic with lots of hurt/comfort and depending on each other.

I've included Tremayne but you absolutely don't have to write him, especially if you are writing sexy times fic. *G*

But I do enjoy him and have included him in case you'd rather explore other options than shipping, for example if you personally don’t see their relationship that way, I’d love a fic where Tremayne Finds Out. Tremayne didn’t get to the head of an organisation like Nemesis by being an idiot. He has to know there’s something special about the three of them. I would love a Big Reveal: where The Champions have to use their skills in front of him to save them all/rescue him etc, of course they’d be like, um, we can explain?

Extra squee -
Just on Tremayne' pov, if you wanted to go that way - The way one or two of them regularly burst into his office claiming to know that the other/s is in danger, the freaky way they get seemingly impossible things done. In the Australian episode, Craig point blank insists on being told how to disarm the bomb, then stares into space at each step, then says, thanks, your instructions were clear, then the bomb fails to go off and Craig says he’s going to go check it out, and hey! Maybe they’ll run into Richard! And Tremayne says ‘I wonder…’

Saturday Night Live


I love these guys SO MUCH. I love the characters and I love the actors for their enthusiasm, for making it canon, and for continuing to keep the relationship alive. SO MUCH LOVE.

Prompt -
These two are just completely adorable together. I am all about the happy! and the cute here!

Some suggestions
- I’d like to read about Stefon’s life as a married man. How he spends his days now he is married.
- How Stefon inducts Seth into his ‘five-timers club’
- Stefon introduces Seth to his folks.

What We Do in the Shadows

Everyone loves Stu, but I think Deacon *loves* him. I would love to read how Deacon and Stu might get together, whether they would keep it secret or not, and how their relationship would fare after the events at the end of the film. Or maybe their relationship doesn’t even begin until post-film?

Alternatively, I would love to read about life in Wellington when you’re a werewolf. What can you tell me about Anton and his pack?

(You don't to have to include all the characters I've requested, say if you're either writing about the vampires or the werewolves)

These are just a couple of ideas because this fandom is still super new to me - feel free to go with another idea if you have a story you're keen to write! Also I will no doubt have thought of more (optional!) ideas by the time you read my letter - if you do, you certainly don't have to, if you're happy with the prompts or whatever.

Phryne Fisher - Kerry Greenwood

Okay, so nominations came around and I had just finished 'Blood and Circuses' and had so many feels for the characters and would love to find out what happened to them. I absolutely do not require you to use all four characters, since they move in completely different circles, but obviously if you want to I won't stand in your way *g*

My thinking was along the lines of either:

Amelia Parkes and Constable Tommy Harris falling in love, because Amelia is awesome and deserves all the happy endings and Tommy was so protective of her. However, if you don't ship them I would be equally happy with just some kind of future together where they are good friends and he's supportive of her (I imagine he'd get some side eyes from other police officers (though obvs Jack would be cool).

Or Alan Lee and Matthias Shakespeare, either friendship or more - I'd love to ship them, either the two of them in the future, or a story about how their threesome with Phryne went, and/or how they felt about that afterwards. I was actually Mildly Cross that they faded to black on that in the book when normally Phryne's voracious appetites and unashamed one night stands are openly described. Especially as this wasn't just a getting her rocks off deal for her, she was vulnerable and shaken and they were taking care of her. Er, Phryne wasn't in the listed characters because I could only nominate four, so you are under no obligation to include her, or any other recurring characters, but I am totally happy for you to include any other characters or not as the whim takes you.

But if you don't want to ship Alan/Matthias, I would absolutely, totally be thrilled for a fic where they develop a close friendship - just the taboos surrounding carnies and circus people mixing would make them being brave enough to defy convention an awesome thing.

Just some random further thoughts that may or may not be relevant - I've been reading the books way the fuck out of order, so i was totally used to kick ass Phryne with a backstory of ambulance driver who'd refused to go home to her family and disappeared alone into the seedy parts of Paris at the tender age of 18 and overcome a shitty and eventually abusive boyfriend, so the Phryne in this book wasn't the Phryne I knew, someone who'd never been alone, and started to lose herself and fall apart when bullied by men (I'm just assuming this was one of the earlier books). If this is something you've had thinky thoughts about and would like to address, I would be happy to read about that, but that's just a random extra throw in idea if my prompts above don't appeal and you were feeling a bit stumped and regretting ever agreeing to write random characters that only ever appear in the one book. *g*

the champions, regular guys, sethon, vampires, yuletide letter, miss fisher, yuletide

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