SLASHMAS and pimping!

Dec 02, 2014 07:13

Slash Christmas Gathering was lovely. Excellent company, excellent conversation, delicious food and media consumption.

psycho_tabby made delicious strawberry daquiris. I've never had one before and was worried it would be too sweet, but it was delicious.

Also, the free range ham was the best ham I've ever tasted. I am a Ham Convert.

Secret Santa was the type you have random picking order, and then the next person can steal your gift. Stolen and restolen amongst much hilarity was a glass cherry bowl and an adorable yellow metal watering can and plastic animal shaped water diffuser thingy. I was very happy with my Doctor Who tin.

Of course, we HAD To watch the SPN episode 'Fan Fiction' because two people in the group had somehow not yet seen it. This ep literally sums up how far fandom representation and shipping has come. It could not be more perfect.

I babbled about my current fandom obsession, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, which I am extra excited about because First Australian Fandom. I showed them a Phryne/Jack vid, but did not put an ep on since this is still, technically, a slash gathering.

Instead I pimped The Originals, aided and abetted by
mr_booboo. We watched the pilot (which is hilariously exposition heavy and involves many characters and flashbacks). Poor
zebra363 was like 'my comprehension is about 20%' but mr_booboo and I provided lots of important explanations about relationships and pairings, and I think some people plan to watch it.

(I did do a tiny pimp post here a while back but I see now that it was totally inadequate).

To the person who asked if there are lots of flashbacks, Yes, there are!

This is one of my fave scenes. Marcel has just come back from war and Elijah literally says to Marcel about Klaus - "Ï'm glad you're back, he's been beside himself while you were gone".

food, gathering, vampires, intensely focussed, pimping

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