new season telly ftw!

Sep 25, 2014 22:46

Dragonfly and Bunny went late night shopping* tonight so we've only had time to watch one ep of something tonight. I gave Dfly the choice of:

New season eps of Downton Abbey, Sleepy Hollow or Person of Interest, or the pilot of GOTHAM

...and to her own gobsmackedness she chose Downton Abbey!!

Now we're watching it and I've shouted at Thomas to shut up twice already. GAH, I just want him to come to a sticky end and put everyone out of our misery. Every now and again they give us hints that he has redeeming qualities but it's just not enough, he's just a vicious little shite.

*For non-Australians, 'late night shopping' refers to the fact that shops shut on weekdays between 5-6pm, except on Thursdays when they stay open till *gasp* NINE PM. Periodically we have referendums to decide if we will reject our Parochial ways and embrace Globalism and start opening 24/7 and we keep knocking it back, but they are slowly finding loopholes and ways around the laws so that some types of shops now open Sundays and later in the evenings, but not the shopping centres.

batman, sleepy hollow, downton abbey, bunny, person of interest

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