In conclusion: I love Star Trek

Jun 15, 2013 19:25

Life long K/S shipper here. I even still refer to it that way instead of 'Spirk'.

After the first movie I was happy to read threesome fic, even the occasional Spock/Uhura, but my fave was still K/S.

The latest movie has sold me even more on the K/S/U threesome, because Uhura is just so. goddamn. awesome. I am so grateful they gave her more to do this time around. Of course, it also made me crave more K/S, because of reasons. (Link to reasons - spoilery)

However I am totally in love with this gif. I don't know who made it, sorry for not crediting, found it at the end of a fic on AO3, not that I am reading fic atm, because I am studying all the time *stares*

star trek

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