May 30, 2013 19:30
I very reluctantly use fb to keep up with real life friends who've abandoned LJ and with family, and occasionally post a photo so they know I'm still alive, but then I friended a couple of people here so we could work on an assignment using fb's 'group' function, and then someone else sent a request, and then someone else, and its now got to 'you have several mutual friends' stage...
I'm going to end up with eleventy billion 20 year old 'friends' with no actual interests in common from my time here, I can tell. Which I suppose won't matter once I get home and stop using it, I guess.
...45 minute later edit. I'm in ten classes so I've interacted with a hella lot of people in the last 3 months. I've just had a friend request from someone who has not so much as said hello to me the entire time I've been here. Why the hell does she want to be fb friends?
social networking site