Recs of stuff.

Dec 28, 2012 09:00

LES MISERABLES was just stunning. The cast were fabulous, and Anne Hathaway’s performance especially just blew me away. Absolutely stunning. Disclaimer: except Russell Crowe, who has a lovely voice, but it’s just not powerful enough for the role. I may be biased, because still adore Roger Allam’s Javert, and of course Philip Quast was famous for it. OOH look, here they are performing together, how have I not seen this before. Okay, oh wow, now I've just found this "international" version Must go investigate further...I can see I'm not going to be very productive this morning...

LEWIS - I thought about trying to rec Lewis fics, but instead I’m just going to rec the entire fandom (
inspector_lewis) For such a tiny fandom, we are very active. And friendly and wank-free! I’ve never been involved in a single fandom for this long before because I run away from anything that might spoil my glee. There are 14 Yuletide fics this year, plus a Secret Santa exchange running (
lewis_challenge), plus other new fics regularly appearing on AO3. Yay us!

I haven’t been able to throw myself into Yuletide as completely as I usually do, due mainly to time constraints, but also I think due to the fact that I keep getting distracted by Lewis fic I’ve even been poking at a few gen fics *gasp* Only because even most of the gen fics focus on the Lewis&Hathaway friendship, tbh.

There were many more fics I loved, I'll be doing more reccing later when I have more time.


Love Actually (Billy Mack/Joe) Negotiating the next Christmas.
Down At Your Door - This has been the standout fic this year so far, to me. This is what Yuletide is about, the perfect little fic in a tiny/nonexistent fandom.

Being Human UK (Hal/Tom)
7 Tips for Handling Your Supernatural Housemates
It takes Alex some time to get used to her new (after)life - and, especially, her new housemates.

Common Law (Travis/Wes) - No Smooth Ride
"If you ask me, you're pretty much married already," Jonelle tells him. "Liz and Richard, remember? Except that if you were, you'd at least get to have sex to balance out all that bickering."

There were several awesome CW fics, with great bickering and including the therapy group, this was my fave.


Elementary - The author tags this as Sherlock/Joan. Ha, I wouldn’t have read it had it been listed gen, so just as well, because this was just fantastic Sherlock POV. - Solve for X
Their relationship as it stands has one mathematical certainty: It will end in twenty-five days. At that time, her sojourn as his sober companion will end. Either Watson will pass out of his life forever, or Holmes will have to devise another option.


Bomb Girls (Betty/Kate) They rescue Kate. Kate readjusts her beliefs. - Night and Day
"You've obviously never truly loved anyone. If you had, you would understand. If you had, you'd know that love makes you care so much about another person that society's stupid rules just don't matter anymore."

MY GIFTS *flail*
Get Real (John/OMCs) - things go hazy
One of my suggestions was John growing up and accepting himself and his friends accepting him and my author has done a great job. I am super impressed!

Echte Kerle/Regular Guys (Chris/Edgar) I have asked for this fandom in nearly every Yuletide, and never got it. No one even volunteered to write it last year or this year, so I had no hope or expectation. BUT. Some awesome person has written me this little Treat and made me gleeful. GLEEFUL. *hugs fic*
Ponds and Castles
One man's allergic reaction is another man's second shot at a happy ending.

femslash, sherlock, fandom, musicals, fic recs, movie recs, yuletide, vampires, lewis

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