Amy is awesome and what I think they're going to do, plot/character-wise

Sep 17, 2012 00:13

Slightly spoilery reference - just aired ep's conversations.

They seem to be not so much foreshadowing as holding up signposts saying Amy and Rory won't be around much longer, which we were all expecting, to the extent that we pretty much cheer every time an ep starts and they're still there. I'm even watching the promos for the following week and I normally avoid them.

And by 'they're still there' I love how each episode they either get picked up from home, or in this one, reference the fact that time has passed since their last adventure. I absolutely LOVE that that they have spent so long travelling with the Doctor that they are aging faster than their friends. All those adventures they've had with him that we'll never see (and suddenly I'm craving Doctor/Amy/Rory adventure fics)

I love that Amy is still snarking and putting him in his place. There's someone in town called The Doctor...

And here, it's intimated it's been a while since they've travelled with him. AMY ROCKS.

dr who, picspam

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