I never want to know when celebrities I like are arseholes 'cause it affects my enjoyment of their work. OTOH, hearing stories of them being awesome just make me love them more. Here's a great
Robert Downey Jr story, yay!
Once Upon a Time
Descent. Ha, I'm not sure who I'm reccing this to, but this is a Once Upon a Time/Stargate Universe crossover fic where Belle and Rumplestiltskin get a happy ending. I don't normally rush towards fics where the author has apparently decided to write a crossover just because the same actor is in both shows but in this case Fyre has made it work brilliantly.
Also, Fyre has 70 OUaT fics, I'm just reading the Rumplestiltskin/Belle ones, and they're great. The author is impressively prolific, but does have a number of typos, JSYK, but not enough to put me off reading.
tumblr gif with Clark Gregg - I like to think this is Coulson's 'cellist'.
entangled_now's stuff One of my fave writers, right here. Love her Tony/Steve and Natasha/Clint fic. (there's Loki/Thor there too)
OH, and my one actual Thor/Loki rec. It's a 20k fic by
astolat where they are trapped together in prehistoric times, just when the cataclysm happens, and do what it takes to survive -
Athelas Tomorrow Belongs To Me - This is like 80k of kickass plot and team! ...and a not-entirely-convincing Tony/Steve relationship. It started off fine but turned into Steve blushing all the time and it ends up being too romantic for MY taste. But overall, rec, yes.
I was getting disheartened attempting to find fics where Tony didn't have massive self-esteem issues and Steve didn't blush all the time, then I remembered
cricketk recently did a rec post, OMG THANK YOU.
cricketk's rec page Only read a handful so far, but my faves are
Tony and Bruce series - Bromance!
We don't need a heart of gold, we need the heart of a lion Tony/Steve - Steve Rogers has a split personality.
The Sky and Everything Beneath it Steve goes on a road trip. The others turn up, of course. Gen.
Person of Interest
A pimp post by someone who's not really into the show, ha. Embers, a vid by lim Also some flashvids there too, yay.
There isn't much PoI fic out there that I like so far (mind you, I haven't read them all yet!) but here's a few -
Proof of Life Detritus Number Four Hundred Thirty-Seven a little bit victorian (but a lot like scaling everest) The Third Time **This looks good but I haven't read much yet 'cause I don't want to be spoiled. Bookmarking to come back to.
And yay! there's been several new shiny Lewis fics recently, including this one -
Someone Like You